Mythology & History
Seanchas ⁊ Stair

Trua liom oidhe na dtrí dtrua
Ní binn lem’ chluais bheith dá reic:
Oidhe Chlainne Tuireann tréin
Nach trua leatsa féin, a mhic?
Clanna Lir i gcruthaibh éan
Mallacht ar an mbéal a lua;
Conn, Fiachra, Fionnuala, Aodh:
Ag sin díbh an dara trua.
Clann Uisnigh, sciath na bhfear,
Ag titim le neart slua
Naoise, Ainle, is Ardán:
Ag sin agat an treas trua.
Adapted from: An Connachtach Céasta. 1920. “Trí Truagha na Scéaluidheachta”, Scéaluidhe Éireann. M.H. Mac Ghuill 7 a Mhac: Baile Átha Cliath

Irish mythology is a rich collection of ancient stories and legends that explore the mythical origins of Ireland, featuring gods, heroes, magical creatures, and epic adventures. These tales offer insights into the beliefs, values, and cultural heritage of the Irish people.
Our colour-coded version of each story, available to website members, breaks sentences into more manageable pieces and helps you jump into the flow of living Irish, feeling like you have an expert reading along with you!
Scéalta Miotaseolaíochta
The Irish mythological cycle is a collection of ancient stories and legends that recount the mythical origins of Ireland and its heroic figures. These tales feature gods, goddesses, heroes, and magical creatures.
An Rúraíocht
The Ulster Cycle focuses on the lives of Conchobar mac Nessa, the king of Ulster, and the great hero Cú Chulainn. These stories reflect a warrior society and feature shape-shifting magic alongside realistic details.
An Fhiannaíocht
The Fenian Cycle revolves around the deeds of Fionn mac Cumhaill and his group of soldiers, the Fianna. The cycle is told in verse and portrays a world where warriors hunt, fight, and have adventures in the spirit world.
Scéalaíocht na Ríthe
The Kings’ Cycle include accounts of battles and the origins of dynasties, and blend mythological and historical elements. Some of the kings featured names from the historical record, while others are now only legendary.

Irish history is a rich tapestry that spans thousands of years, from our ancient Celtic ancestors who established our unique culture and society. From its height as a centre of learning in the early medieval period, Ireland has faced invasions, conflicts, and changes in our way of life. Centuries of English rule, marked by land confiscations and discrimination against the native Irish-speaking population, culminated in An Górta Mór (the Great Starvation) of the 19th century, which devastated the country and led to mass emigration and severe language decline. With Irish independence in the early 20th Century, the Republic of Ireland became the world’s only nation with a Celtic national language.
The Irish Language in Canada
Céad Míle Fáilte - Welcome to our virtual history exhibition, where we delve into the enduring legacy of the Irish language in Canada. From its humble beginnings to its evolution over time, we aim to illuminate the journey of this linguistic heritage and its impact on Canada's multicultural tapestry. Through a collection of compositions, physical artifacts, and life narratives from Irish speakers, we invite you to explore the rich history of a language that has never disappeared but has continued to shape Canadian identity. Join us on a journey of discovery as we celebrate the resilience and cultural significance of the Irish language in Canada.