The Gaeltacht Library
Leabharlann na Gaeltachta
Access to the Lending Collection
Read our Lending Policy
Browse the collection below and use your Patron Number to
place books on “Hold”
Pickup / Return books placed on “Hold” at the next August Immersion Week (298 Gilmore Rd, Tamworth, ON)
*Please note that library materials are not housed on the Gaeltacht site, and any loans must be placed on ‘Hold’ in advance so they may be brought to site for pickup.
*Alternative pickup/drop locations and time, including by mail, may be pre-arranged by contacting us (Use “Iarr ceist faoi seo / Ask about this” on the book details page).
Patrons are limited to five (5) held books at a time. Books may be loaned for one (1) year until the next summer immersion week and may be renewed for a further one (1) year period, unless requested by another patron.
Access to the Reference Collection
Reference Collection access and use is limited to persons aged 14 years and older, with priority access and special short-term lending permissions for non-lending resources extended to those teaching Irish with Gaeltacht an Oileáin Úir while on the Gaeltacht site.
To discuss reference access, please contact: collections.gaeilgeca@gmail.com
Reference material is not to be removed from the Gaeltacht site, except for special storage by the Curator to prevent damage. While on special short-term loan, materials are under the sole care of the lender.
Read our full Collections Policy.
Our library is managed via LibraryThing.