Faigh cárta leabharlainne inniu!
Get a library card today!
Faigh cárta leabharlainne
Ní cheadaítear ach cárta amháin an duine. Má chailltear do chárta / # CA, inis dúinn trí ríomhphost le do thoil.
Ag an uair seo, tá cead iasachta ar pratrúin 18 bd agus níos sine ná sin. Is féidir leabhair a thógáil ar iasacht ar son leanaí/déagóirí le cúntas a thuismitheora / caomhnóra.
Téann cártaí in éag I gceann cúig (5) bhliana. Athnuaigh do chárta tríd an bhfoirm fhíorúil. Ní athnuafar cártaí go dtí go socrófar aon leabhar thar téarma nó aon táillí.
Líon isteach an fhoirm seo thíos chun cárta leabharlainne a dhéanamh / athnuachan. Gheobhaidh tú Uimhir Phátrúin trí r-phost.
Tabhair faoi Deara: Bailítear na sonraí pearsanta ar an bhfoirm seo faoi roinn 29(2) don “Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act” agus úsáidfear an t-eolas chun séirbhís a riar le Leabharlann Ghaeltacht an Oileáin Úir. Cuir aon cheist ar an mbailiú seo trí ríomhphost go: collections.gaeilgeca@gmail.com
Get a Library Card
One library card is permitted per person. If your card or Patron Number is lost, please or contact us by email.
At this time, lending privileges are open to patrons 18 and older. Books may be checked out for children or teens on their parent’s / guardian’s account.
Cards expire after five (5) years. Renew your card through the virtual form. Cards will not be renewed until any past-due books or fees are settled.
Fill out the form below to create / renew your library card. Once complete, you will receive a Patron Number by email.
Note: personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to section 29(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to administer service with Leabharlann Ghaeltacht an Oileáin Úir. Questions regarding this collection can be addressed by email to: collections.gaeilgeca@gmail.com
Cumann na Gaeltachta complies with any law enacted at the federal, provincial or municipal level, and therefore does not collect or maintain items which have been judged obscene or pornographic, or have been banned by the courts. The relevant sections of the Criminal Code of Canada are: sedition, hate propaganda and obscenity.
The presence of an item in the collection does not indicate an endorsement of its contents by Cumann na Gaeltachta, but rather is an affirmation of the principle of intellectual freedom as embodied in the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Position Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries.