Learn Irish

You'll find yourself immersed in a cultural richness that goes beyond tourist stereotypes. It's an invitation to be welcomed as part of a community, with a genuine understanding of the language and its people. Embark on a journey of learning, and embrace the beauty and the uniqueness of the Irish language.

“Deir daoine éigin gurab baois é agus caitheamh aimsire, Gaeilge a fhoghlaim in America … ach tá mórán de nithe san gcruinne seo níos fearr ná airgead. Sílimid go bhfuil onóir, meas, agus grá-eolais, níos mó ná airgead.”

Some people say that it is a folly and a waste of time to learn Irish in North America … but there are many things in this world greater than money. We think that honour, respect, and love of knowledge are greater than money.

Patrick Donahoe, Boston, 1879

Learner Guides

Our learner guides are an ongoing project within our community to make helpful resources for people learning Irish at different levels. They provide clear directions on the words and sentences you need to learn in order to improve your language skills. These guides cover important grammar and vocabulary for each level of learning, following the Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge's levels from A1 to C. By using these guides, you can have a clear path to becoming fluent in Irish.


Free downloadables will be coming soon, such as a Pop-Up Gaeltacht starter pack.

Members have access to grammar printables, pocket guides, and other learner resources.