Most Common Words: 1701-1800

In our student guides, we provide a list of the most common Irish words to give learners the most useful words for speaking the language today (modified for this purpose from "Irish Word Frequency - Liosta Minicíochta Focal Gaeilge" by Michal Boleslav Měchura, 2015). This list helps learners know which words are used most often in everyday Irish conversations.

Print out the list and grab a pen! Start by writing in the definitions for any words you already know. Then, look up the ones you don’t and add their meanings. Keep working with your list—reviewing, practicing, and using the words in sentences—until you know them all by heart. These are the building blocks of spoken Irish, so mastering them will give your language skills a huge boost!

1701 brách

1702 ionstraim

1703 dealraigh

1704 onóir

1705 seisiún

1706 ceachtar

1707 buile

1708 tuirseach

1709 difear

1710 gob

1711 annamh

1712 áilleacht

1713 uaigneach

1714 painéal

1715 coirce

1716 titim

1717 scamall

1718 fuacht

1719 agóid

1720 múch

1721 stoc

1722 maol

1723 beithíoch

1724 maireachtáil

1725 cumasach

1726 dealramh

1727 sacar

1728 colún

1729 mam

1730 troigh

1731 coicís

1732 bréan

1733 mion

1734 cailleach

1735 salach

1736 aistear

1737 teith

1738 eagar

1739 atmaisféar

1740 príosúnach

1741 ríoga

1742 gnólacht

1743 ceapachán

1744 náisiúnach

1745 teocht

1746 mianach

1747 eolaí

1748 fána

1749 scor

1750 síor

1751 ús

1752 cráigh

1753 com

1754 sáil

1755 thar ceann

1756 pósta

1757 abhus

1758 ciúnas

1759 suarach

1760 fuath

1761 insint

1762 machnaigh

1763 réalta

1764 ríomh

1765 Páras

1766 díomá

1767 imirce

1768 samhail

1769 ceardlann

1770 comhaill

1771 ticéad

1772 buartha

1773 comhoibrigh

1774 gaisce

1775 maitheas

1776 seandálaíocht

1777 cupán

1778 buíon

1779 gleic

1780 fealsúnacht

1781 leac

1782 béas

1783 seasca

1784 daichead

1785 geit

1786 acadúil

1787 cigire

1788 éacht

1789 lúb

1790 cuimil

1791 raic

1792 eite

1793 amhránaíocht

1794 pionós

1795 dligh

1796 greamaigh

1797 daingnigh

1798 scian

1799 poibligh

1800 eascair

Dónall Ó Dubhghaill

Rugadh agus tógadh Dónall in Ontáirio, Ceanada. Ardaíodh go Taoiseach na Gaeltachta é i 2019. Tá sé a’ tógaint a bheirt chailíní suas i gCeanada tríd an nGaelainn.


Most Common Words: 1601-1700


Most Common Words: 1801-1900