Most Common Words: 2201-2300
In our student guides, we provide a list of the most common Irish words to give learners the most useful words for speaking the language today (modified for this purpose from "Irish Word Frequency - Liosta Minicíochta Focal Gaeilge" by Michal Boleslav Měchura, 2015). This list helps learners know which words are used most often in everyday Irish conversations.
Print out the list and grab a pen! Start by writing in the definitions for any words you already know. Then, look up the ones you don’t and add their meanings. Keep working with your list—reviewing, practicing, and using the words in sentences—until you know them all by heart. These are the building blocks of spoken Irish, so mastering them will give your language skills a huge boost!
2201 bainteach
2202 mionlach
2203 caipiteal
2204 goil
2205 cáis
2206 sceach
2207 friotal
2208 brónach
2209 siúcra
2210 eangach
2211 teannas
2212 soiscéal
2213 léas
2214 sionnach
2215 macalla
2216 éagóir
2217 prionsa
2218 seilg
2219 goill
2220 beacht
2221 mallacht
2222 ceolchoirm
2223 cliste
2224 séimh
2225 suntas
2226 cuntar
2227 scolaíocht
2228 ionadaíocht
2229 tearmann
2230 coimirce
2231 feil
2232 creach
2233 bródúil
2234 dearna
2235 tuirling
2236 beairic
2237 scíth
2238 gean
2239 bunú
2240 seanfhocal
2241 dliteanas
2242 oileánach
2243 lúcháir
2244 puinn
2245 cnag
2246 leithead
2247 malartaigh
2248 léachtóir
2249 diúltach
2250 fanacht
2251 scáileán
2252 rialú
2253 rón
2254 clochar
2255 dada
2256 gnás
2257 beár
2258 gadaí
2259 maise
2260 éalú
2261 imirt
2262 saolaigh
2263 fabhar
2264 géarchéim
2265 trasnaigh
2266 dearfa
2267 leathar
2268 téad
2269 sioc
2270 múnlaigh
2271 seachaid
2272 measartha
2273 orlach
2274 sceith
2275 ochtó
2276 clis
2277 fréamh
2278 príomhchathair
2279 scoláireacht
2280 airgeadra
2281 cuimse
2282 eolach
2283 tais
2284 nath
2285 iarsma
2286 claíomh
2287 brollach
2288 ainmfhocal
2289 comharchumann
2290 mórchuid
2291 réasún
2292 grásta
2293 craic
2294 clasaiceach
2295 taoide
2296 ballraíocht
2297 misinéir
2298 corr
2299 tuí
2300 dua