Most Common Words: 2701-2800
In our student guides, we provide a list of the most common Irish words to give learners the most useful words for speaking the language today (modified for this purpose from "Irish Word Frequency - Liosta Minicíochta Focal Gaeilge" by Michal Boleslav Měchura, 2015). This list helps learners know which words are used most often in everyday Irish conversations.
Print out the list and grab a pen! Start by writing in the definitions for any words you already know. Then, look up the ones you don’t and add their meanings. Keep working with your list—reviewing, practicing, and using the words in sentences—until you know them all by heart. These are the building blocks of spoken Irish, so mastering them will give your language skills a huge boost!
2701 seanathair
2702 péintéireacht
2703 aireach
2704 ascaill
2705 tachtach
2706 draoi
2707 seirbheáil
2708 scornach
2709 beann
2710 both
2711 tré
2712 eolaíoch
2713 cúntóir
2714 caid
2715 sann
2716 laoi
2717 feisteoir
2718 urraíocht
2719 ton
2720 glóir
2721 teilg
2722 dair
2723 fiúntas
2724 ceartlár
2725 níochán
2726 íoctha
2727 sástacht
2728 glic
2729 ceadaithe
2730 siocair
2731 saorstát
2732 mithid
2733 marg
2734 gleoite
2735 amaideach
2736 comhthionól
2737 péist
2738 luasc
2739 féasta
2740 tuairisceoir
2741 follasach
2742 oiriúint
2743 óid
2744 dé
2745 gus
2746 cairdinéal
2747 oibreachas
2748 géilleadh
2749 tubaisteach
2750 broinn
2751 cathú
2752 ala
2753 léachtaí
2754 úinéireacht
2755 gunnadóir
2756 píobaire
2757 arae
2758 séala
2759 scilling
2760 seiceáil
2761 buaile
2762 ráth
2763 racht
2764 bualadh
2765 imníoch
2766 dornán
2767 gleo
2768 dúthracht
2769 loit
2770 ídigh
2771 tionónta
2772 deisigh
2773 toghadh
2774 snáth
2775 uaimh
2776 galf
2777 lem
2778 sóisearach
2779 inchurtha
2780 casóg
2781 tíolaic
2782 inniúlacht
2783 comhairligh
2784 suaimhneach
2785 eiseamláir
2786 mí-úsáid
2787 achoimre
2788 treisigh
2789 éanlaith
2790 foscadh
2791 cuisle
2792 oilte
2793 fara
2794 easaontas
2795 amhrasach
2796 iriseoireacht
2797 spreagadh
2798 uachtaránacht
2799 corrach
2800 smior