Most Common Words: 2901-3000
In our student guides, we provide a list of the most common Irish words to give learners the most useful words for speaking the language today (modified for this purpose from "Irish Word Frequency - Liosta Minicíochta Focal Gaeilge" by Michal Boleslav Měchura, 2015). This list helps learners know which words are used most often in everyday Irish conversations.
Print out the list and grab a pen! Start by writing in the definitions for any words you already know. Then, look up the ones you don’t and add their meanings. Keep working with your list—reviewing, practicing, and using the words in sentences—until you know them all by heart. These are the building blocks of spoken Irish, so mastering them will give your language skills a huge boost!
2901 strae
2902 mamaí
2903 damh
2904 breosla
2905 sclábhaí
2906 ardeaspag
2907 meastachán
2908 moll
2909 umhal
2910 mionn
2911 cumadóireacht
2912 innealtóireacht
2913 tapaigh
2914 comharba
2915 cúrsáil
2916 tairne
2917 gearánach
2918 cinnteacht
2919 deighilt
2920 crosfhocal
2921 meanma
2922 baiste
2923 cruatan
2924 músaem
2925 comhaireamh
2926 soláthraí
2927 aontachas
2928 creidiúint
2929 cíoch
2930 coisc
2931 réimeas
2932 rianaigh
2933 blúire
2934 ionraic
2935 ciorcad
2936 núicléach
2937 cuairteoir
2938 cláraitheoir
2939 script
2940 muin
2941 lia
2942 beocht
2943 móramh
2944 mais
2945 tuata
2946 téamh
2947 ceannfort
2948 seachrán
2949 fearthainn
2950 craolachán
2951 eagarthóireacht
2952 bloc
2953 stuaim
2954 inmhe
2955 sníomh
2956 cathartha
2957 conspóideach
2958 éagmais
2959 íobairt
2960 scaradh
2961 dreap
2962 bheir
2963 adhlaic
2964 meafar
2965 ceanúil
2966 ardteistiméireacht
2967 nimhneach
2968 lú
2969 uatha
2970 maille
2971 dréachtaigh
2972 cuardach
2973 seilf
2974 síoraíocht
2975 iománaíocht
2976 pearsanra
2977 toirmeasc
2978 soilsigh
2979 tiomáint
2980 cruaidh
2981 léithi
2982 bodhar
2983 leoga
2984 achtaigh
2985 Galltacht
2986 bruith
2987 ráithe
2988 orgánach
2989 teifeach
2990 nócha
2991 neamhaird
2992 neamhghnách
2993 toscaireacht
2994 aiféala
2995 santaigh
2996 foirfe
2997 brocach
2998 molt
2999 gonta
3000 cár