Speed Curriculum 1: What?

How it Works

  1. Gather Objects: Collect objects (e.g., ball, rock, book) as prompts.

  2. Ask and Answer: Take turns asking and answering questions, using the shared vocabulary.

  3. Keep It Quick: Maintain a fast pace for energy and focus.

  4. Rotate Roles: Switch objects and roles and start another round.

Below are some recognized strategies for maximizing the speed, ease, and efficiency of language transfer. Techniques address a range of problems: they can help control the flow of information; modify the learning environment; decrease risk, anxiety, and distraction; increase comfort, speed, and enjoyment; and, perhaps most importantly, train learners to be teachers.


What is that? - Cad é Sin?

What you need

  • a rock or stone

  • a book

  • a pen

  • a penny

  • a stick

  • a shoe

Stór Focal - Vocabulary

Stick – bata (m)

Penny – pingin (f)

Book – leabhar (m)

Shoe – bróg (f)

Thinks – measann

Takes – tógann

Gives/brings – tugann

Is – tá / níl / an bhfuil

Is (copula) – is / ní / an

If – má (lenites)

And – agus (7)

Or – nó

But – ach

Thus – amhlaidh

Also – freisin

Instead of – in áit

Pen – peann (m)

Stone – cloch (f)

Phrases to Use

Cad é/í sin? What is that?

Is cloch í sin. That is a stone.

An cloch í sin? Is that a stone?

‘Sea, is cloch í sin. Yes, that is a stone.

An bata é sin? Is that a stick?

Ní hea, ní bata é sin. Is cloch í sin. No, that is not a stick. That is a stone.

Dónall Ó Dubhghaill

Rugadh agus tógadh Dónall in Ontáirio, Ceanada. Ardaíodh go Taoiseach na Gaeltachta é i 2019. Tá sé a’ tógaint a bheirt chailíní suas i gCeanada tríd an nGaelainn.


Speed Curriculum 2: Whose?