2) Whose – Cé Leis?

"Yours + Mine"

  • My – mo (lenites)

    Your (sg.) – do (lenites)

    His – a (lenites)

    Her – a (doesn’t lenite)

    Our – ár (eclipses)

    Your (pl.) – bhur (eclipses)

    Their – a (eclipses)

    With – le (implies ownership)

    With me / I own - liom

    With you / you own - leat

    With him / he owns - leis

    With her / Ishe owns - léi

Cé hé leis an gcloch sin? Whose stone is that?

Is mo chloch í. That is my stone.

Cé hé leis an bata sin? Whose stick is that?

Is do bhata é. That is your stick.

An bhfuil sin do chloch? Is that your stone?

Tá, tá sin mo chloch. Yes, that is my stone.

An bhfuil sin do chloch? Is that your stone?

Níl, níl sin mo chloch. Tá sin do chloch. No, that is not my stone. That is your stone.

An bhfuil sin do bhata? Is that your stick?

Tá, tá sin mo bhata. Yes, that is my stick.

An bhfuil sin mo bhata? Is that my stick?

Níl, níl sin do bhata. Tá sin mo chloch. No, that is not your stick. That is my stone.

Dónall Ó Dubhghaill

Rugadh agus tógadh Dónall in Ontáirio, Ceanada. Ardaíodh go Taoiseach na Gaeltachta é i 2019. Tá sé a’ tógaint a bheirt chailíní suas i gCeanada tríd an nGaelainn.


1) What – Cad?


3) Want - Ó