Eachtraí na hÓige: I (1954)
Áralt Ó Tnúthail, composed in Toronto, Ontario
“Bhí beirt buachaillí óga agam, argoidíní beaga gan aird ceart don aois, agus deirimse leat níl an grá athartha agam dóibhsan uaireanta. Níl siad anois ach ceithre blian’ go leith anois agus trí mblian’ d’aois.
Lá amháin agus mise agus an leaidín óg, Seán, amach síos an sráid insna siopaí móra, Loblaw’s b’ainm ceann acu. Bhíos ag siúl suas agus síos, ar lorg na nithe a bhí uaim. Tamaillín agus tháinig fé ndeara nach raibh an ropaire beag liom: tháinig eagla agus fearg orm agus d’imigh mé cos in airde ó d’fháil. Shiúil mé thart an coirnéal go tapaidh agus stadaigh go hobann. Thit an allas síos m’aghaidh.
Bhí an ainsín óg mo chroí suite, i m’aghaidh, ag bun cos beirt mná meán-aosta, agus iad ag caint go meidhreach. Agus cad a bhí á dhéanamh aige ach na bascáidí do líonta amach le gach rud a bhí in aice dó. Ghlaos air, agus nuair a tháinig d’imíomar as an áit seo ar eiteogaí an ghaoith.
Níl a fhios agam fós cad a bhí le rá ag na mná nuair a chonaic siad na bascáidí líonta.”
“I had two young boys, little arguers without the proper heed for age, and I tell you that sometimes I don’t have the fatherly love for them. They aren’t now but four and a half years now and three years of age.
One day and myself and the young little lad, Seán, were out down the street in the big shops, Loblaws was the name of one of them. I was walking up and down, seeking the things I needed. After a while I noticed that the little scoundrel wasn’t with me: I became afraid and angry, and I went at full speed to find him. I walked around the corner quickly and I stopped suddenly. Sweat dripped down my face.
The young darling of my heart was seated, facing me, at the feet of two middle-aged women, and them talking merrily. And what was he doing but the baskets to fill up with everything that was beside him. I called him, and when he came we got out of this place on the wing.
I still don’t know what the women must have said when they saw the filled baskets.”
Adapted from: Ó Tnúthail, Áralt. 1954. “Eachtra na hÓige.” Irisleabhar Ceilteach. 2.2. Cló Chluain Tairbh: Toronto.
For citation, please use: Ó Tnúthail, Áralt. 1954. “Eachtra na hÓige: I” Ó Dubhghaill, Dónall. 2024. Na Gaeil san Áit Ró-Fhuar. Gaeltacht an Oileáin Úir: www.gaeilge.ca