Leabharlann an Oileáin Úir: Lending Policy
The following policy has been established to govern the lending of library materials, effective as of 16 May 2022. In English only.
Library Patrons
Patrons must have a current valid Patron Number / Library Card.
Patrons must be at least 18 years of age.
Patrons can check out up to five (5) library items.
Patron Numbers and Library Cards are non-transferable.
Patrons are responsible for material checked out in their name.
Patrons are responsible for keeping the library informed of any change of address .
Confidentiality of Circulation Records
No name, address, or other information concerning a borrower contained in any circulation records will be revealed to other persons except those administering the library collection. Our library and patron database is maintained by LibraryThing. For more information, see the privacy policy here: https://www.librarything.com/privacy.
Loan Periods
Any exceptions to the check-out periods stated below may be made at the discretion of the Librarian in charge of that portion of the Library’s collection.
Cnuasach Iasachta | Lending Collection
Library materials may be checked out to community users for a period of one (1) year. Loan extensions of one (1) year are permitted, as long as no holds are present on the material. Materials are to be taken from and returned to the Library representative at the August Tumsheachtain Samhraidh na Gaeltachta (298 Gilmore Rd, Tamworth, ON). Alternate pick up / drop-off locations in the Ottawa area outside this schedule may be discussed by email at collections.gaeilgeca@gmail.com.
Ábhair Theagaisc | Teaching Materials
Teaching materials may be loaned to teachers registered with Cumann na Gaeltachta for a period of one (1) year. No loan extensions are permitted for teaching materials. Materials are to be taken from and returned to the Library representative at the August Tumsheachtain Samhraidh na Gaeltachta (298 Gilmore Rd, Tamworth, ON). Alternate pick up / drop-off locations in the Ottawa area outside this schedule may be discussed by email at collections.gaeilgeca@gmail.com.
Cnuasach Tagartha | Reference Collection
Reference material, apart from teaching material, may not be loaned. Short-term viewing access of seven (7) days is permitted during the August Tumsheachtain Samhraidh na Gaeltachta (298 Gilmore Rd, Tamworth, ON). Alternate viewing locations in the Ottawa area outside this schedule may be discussed by email at collections.gaeilgeca@gmail.com.
Library users must reserve a book for future pickup by placing a hold on material. Material is not housed at the Gaeltacht site, and material so reserved will be brought from the collections to the Gaeltacht site for pickup. Holds may be placed to reserve material that is currently checked out. Material on which a hold has been placed may not be renewed.
When material on which a hold is placed is returned, a confirmation notice is emailed to the requesting patron to confirm a pickup date and location, by default the next occurring August Tumsheachtain Samhraidh na Gaeltachta (298 Gilmore Rd, Tamworth, ON).
Due Date
Lending Collection material is due on the next following August Tumsheachtain Samhraidh na Gaeltachta, a period of one (1). Material in the Cnuasach Iasachta may be renewed for an additional period of one (1) year . Return outside this period must be arranged with library staff.
Teaching Material special permission check-outs are due on the next following August Tumsheachtain Samhraidh na Gaeltachta, a period of one (1) year. Return outside this period must be arranged with library staff.
Reference Collection material may only be borrowed locally on the Gaeltacht site during the August Tumsheachtain Samhraidh na Gaeltachta, and may not be removed from site. Additional viewing times and locations in the Ottawa area must be pre-arranged. There is no grace period for overdue reserve material.
Returns & Renewals of Library Material
Library material is considered returned when:
The material is physically returned to the possession of the library, either in person or through delivery by mail.
Material returned by mail is the borrower’s responsibility until received by the Library.
Any library material which is checked out may be renewed once, unless a hold has been placed on the material.
Items checked out with special permission may not be renewed.
Patrons are responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged material, as best judged by the library. Charges, including replacement cost, processing charges, and billing fees will apply to library items checked out to any patron that are:
Reported lost.
Returned in irreparably damaged condition.
More than 365 days overdue.
In the event that library material, which has been reported as lost and for which a replacement charge has been paid, is returned to the library in an acceptable condition within thirty days from date of payment, a refund of replacement charges will be made.
Suspended Privileges
Library privileges may be revoked for the following:
Damage to library materials and equipment
Harassment of library staff
Not returning library material
Consequences for revocation of library privileges may include, but shall not be limited to:
Not being able to check out library material
Fees added to amounts payable for attendance at Gaeltacht events
Borrowing privileges may be restored when all charges are cleared.
Cumann na Gaeltachta complies with any law enacted at the federal, provincial or municipal level, and therefore does not collect or maintain items which have been judged obscene or pornographic, or have been banned by the courts. The relevant sections of the Criminal Code of Canada are: sedition, hate propaganda and obscenity.
The presence of an item in the collection does not indicate an endorsement of its contents by Cumann na Gaeltachta, but rather is an affirmation of the principle of intellectual freedom as embodied in the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Position Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries.