Most Common Words: 2401-2500
In our student guides, we provide a list of the most common Irish words to give learners the most useful words for speaking the language today (modified for this purpose from "Irish Word Frequency - Liosta Minicíochta Focal Gaeilge" by Michal Boleslav Měchura, 2015). This list helps learners know which words are used most often in everyday Irish conversations.
Print out the list and grab a pen! Start by writing in the definitions for any words you already know. Then, look up the ones you don’t and add their meanings. Keep working with your list—reviewing, practicing, and using the words in sentences—until you know them all by heart. These are the building blocks of spoken Irish, so mastering them will give your language skills a huge boost!
2401 tosaíocht
2402 truailliú
2403 siúlóid
2404 seic
2405 cuach
2406 leisce
2407 fírinneach
2408 cogaíocht
2409 péinteáil
2410 leictreonach
2411 fóin
2412 cód
2413 áitigh
2414 cléireach
2415 clúiteach
2416 ab
2417 des
2418 sara
2419 tromchúiseach
2420 Críostaíocht
2421 fial
2422 airne
2423 feidhmiúchán
2424 liostaigh
2425 deimhniú
2426 dearadh
2427 bídeach
2428 tograch
2429 comharsanacht
2430 scóráil
2431 altóir
2432 alcól
2433 lách
2434 ámh
2435 síntiús
2436 coileach
2437 treibh
2438 crúb
2439 bród
2440 luibh
2441 faoi cheann
2442 cuimsigh
2443 tnúth
2444 ifreann
2445 mapa
2446 eisceacht
2447 comhlánaigh
2448 ionadaigh
2449 oighear
2450 bacach
2451 pléisiúr
2452 bís
2453 gé
2454 cearr
2455 smál
2456 rabhadh
2457 slog
2458 leon
2459 marcáil
2460 macasamhail
2461 tacht
2462 meaisín
2463 ceamara
2464 slabhra
2465 folláin
2466 scanradh
2467 tíos
2468 ullmhúchán
2469 áil
2470 tuile
2471 cleite
2472 tórramh
2473 aol
2474 gile
2475 maoirseacht
2476 comhaimseartha
2477 dámh
2478 cual
2479 treise
2480 feiliúnach
2481 anlann
2482 comóradh
2483 cic
2484 práinneach
2485 cac
2486 coinín
2487 inniúil
2488 beach
2489 labhairt
2490 céatadán
2491 éindí
2492 impigh
2493 meisce
2494 tuirse
2495 dóiteán
2496 eachtrannach
2497 baileach
2498 paidrín
2499 nimh
2500 díograis