Most Common Words: 2501-2600
In our student guides, we provide a list of the most common Irish words to give learners the most useful words for speaking the language today (modified for this purpose from "Irish Word Frequency - Liosta Minicíochta Focal Gaeilge" by Michal Boleslav Měchura, 2015). This list helps learners know which words are used most often in everyday Irish conversations.
Print out the list and grab a pen! Start by writing in the definitions for any words you already know. Then, look up the ones you don’t and add their meanings. Keep working with your list—reviewing, practicing, and using the words in sentences—until you know them all by heart. These are the building blocks of spoken Irish, so mastering them will give your language skills a huge boost!
2501 reiligiún
2502 stáitse
2503 cóisir
2504 osna
2505 reoigh
2506 míshásta
2507 achtachán
2508 liacht
2509 treabh
2510 anoir
2511 dréacht
2512 leannán
2513 dánlann
2514 sainiúil
2515 paisinéir
2516 iarnród
2517 stuama
2518 sciar
2519 básaigh
2520 ceartaigh
2521 próiseáil
2522 turgnamh
2523 cúitigh
2524 aintín
2525 pluais
2526 ealaíonta
2527 millteanach
2528 cócaireacht
2529 cathain
2530 plána
2531 moch
2532 blasta
2533 bainis
2534 naíonán
2535 taibhse
2536 iniúchóir
2537 seachtainiúil
2538 rithim
2539 aisíoc
2540 dúnmharú
2541 geis
2542 cuimhneach
2543 éigeandáil
2544 mearbhall
2545 gealltanas
2546 gúm
2547 beola
2548 ceapaire
2549 comhad
2550 creat
2551 íle
2552 cis
2553 cróga
2554 mothú
2555 thusa
2556 Bíobla
2557 comhlachas
2558 aoibh
2559 sicín
2560 inchinn
2561 Atlantach
2562 foilsitheoir
2563 matamaitic
2564 mórthimpeall
2565 fásach
2566 snaidhm
2567 marfach
2568 borr
2569 cothromaíocht
2570 léiritheoir
2571 tionsclaíocht
2572 taom
2573 eala
2574 bearr
2575 eaglasta
2576 fraoch
2577 slachtmhar
2578 díomhaoin
2579 éigeas
2580 clóigh
2581 féith
2582 troscán
2583 bleachtaire
2584 dathúil
2585 ortha
2586 cime
2587 toll
2588 forás
2589 faisean
2590 uirbeach
2591 adharc
2592 fuascail
2593 barántas
2594 péintéir
2595 masla
2596 caillteanas
2597 meánaois
2598 deichniúr
2599 cónra
2600 stró