
The name of the composer of this poem is no longer remembered. The reference to Seoirse (King George) places this poem between 1727-1830, presumably closer to 1830. The piece shows the despair at leaving loved ones when coming to North America.

If there was originally a tune for the poem to be sung to, this does not appear to have survived.


Tá cnoic is gleannta Éireann

Ag dul ó léargas orm agus béidh go deo,

Má dhealaítear ó chéile

Mé féin agus mo mhíle stór.

Tá an fharraige á tógáil

Is níl seoladh le fáil ag loing ná ag bád;

Is mura bhfaighimid malairt chórach,

Glac mo chomhairle agus fan go lá.

The hills and glens of Ireland are

Fading from my sight and will be forever,

We will be separated from each other

Myself and my beloved.

The sea is taking her

And there is not an address available to ships or boats;

And if we do not find a suitable alternative

Take my advice and wait until day.


Agus mo léan gan mé agus mo stóirín

Agus ar lóistín tógtha againn i Meiriceá,

Nó an long is fearr ag Seoirse

Faoi reacht seóil againn ag tarraingt ann.

Saibhreas rí na Fódhla

Go deo agus a fháil le mnaoi

Agus go mb’fhearr liom geall a pósta

Ar mo stór agam ná an méid sin cruinn.

And I am suffering and me without my beloved

And our lodgings built in [North] America

Or on the best boat of [King] George

In full sail pulling us there.

The riches of the king of ancient Ireland

Forever and available to the woman

And I would prefer to be promised in marriage

To my love than the multitude around.


Is trua gan mé im’ éinín

Nó i m’ fhéileacán ó thom go tom;

D’aithrisóinn scéal dhó do bhéal

Dá ndéantá rún;

Do ghrua ba deirge ná an chaor,

Is tú is deise méin agus leagan súl.

Nach cladhartha bocht an scéal é

Is mo ghaolta uilig i bhfearg liom.

It is a pity that I am not a small bird

Or a butterfly going from bush to bush;

I would relate a tale to you

If you would make it secret;

Your cheek is redder that the lamb,

And you have the most beautiful disposition and eyes.

Isn’t it a poor cowardly story

And my whole family angry with me.


Adapted from: Ó Máille, Micheál, and Tomás Ó Máille. 1905. Amhráin chlainne Gaedheal. 1. Connradh na Gaedhilge: Baile Átha Cliath.

Dónall Ó Dubhghaill

Rugadh agus tógadh Dónall in Ontáirio, Ceanada. Ardaíodh go Taoiseach na Gaeltachta é i 2019. Tá sé a’ tógaint a bheirt chailíní suas i gCeanada tríd an nGaelainn.


Tosach Bord agus Binse an Ghiúistís


An tOileán Úr